Tank Rental

Where can I rent a tank?

  • To rent a tank, you can access this feature the STAGE in-game screens. Here, you can equip a preset with 1-3 Rental Tanks selected randomly from a pool of 9 tanks available in the Rental List.

  • Important Note: The Rental Lists for all content are shared with each other.

    • Ex) Stage, Mission, Tournament...etc.

How to apply and remove rental tank presets

  1. Applying a rental tank preset

  1. Remove the rental tank preset

Guide to the Rental List Reset feature

  1. Automatic reset using List Reset Time

  • The List Reset Time displays the scheduled time at which the nine tanks available for rent in the Rental List are automatically reset. This reset follows a 12-hour cycle.

  1. Automatic reset using the List Reset button

  • If you reset the list by pressing the List Reset button, the cringe amount will increase according to the number of resets (see the cringe consumed per reset table below).

  • Reset button The reset cycle is reset after 12 hours of List Reset Time.

  • Additionally, when you clear content such as stages, the rental list will automatically refresh.

Rules for playing with rental tanks

Rule 1. STAGE reward cring revenue share

  • For users using Rental Tanks, the Stage Clear Reward Cringe will be reduced based on the number of Rental Tanks used in the preset 3 slots.

  • The amount reduced from the stage clear cringe is passed on to the staking user's rental revenue for each rented tank.

  • The reduced Cring for clearing stages with a rental tank is reflected in the MAIN REWARD, which changes when you equip a rental tank in the STAGE TANK preset. (See Main reward in Apply rental tank preset)

Last updated